Cut Leaves
Our samples of Sri Lankan paradise are alive
Exporters of Foliage,Cut Plant, Indoor Plant
Now we are one of Sri Lanka's leading Flower exporters
Decorative Fruites
Fresh fruites for decorations
Dried Deco
Dried decorative items
Fresh from the farm Delivered to your Store!
Greenet Plants and Flowers" is totally a Sri Lankan business establishment engaged in growing and exporting cut greens to the world around. Plants are grown totally, in order to obtain leaves or top cutting. "Greenet" has been in business for nearly 10 years with a nursary of 30 hectares situated at Matale
Quick inquiry
Kindly complete the quick inquiry form and once the details received, we will get back to you shortly
24 Hour Service
24 Hours speedy courteous service & working together with buyers
Why Greenet
Process orders at short notice with the high quality